Saturday, November 16, 2013

WOMEN! - Bulletin 11-03-13

The Gospel of Luke has been called by some “The Gospel for Women” because it contains more stories about women than any other Gospel.  It is a book that opens up with the stories of three women: Elizabeth (old and barren); Mary (young, unmarried, and a virgin); and Anna (an 84 year old widow without any children).
Matthew tells the birth of Jesus through the eyes of a male, but Luke chooses to tell the birth story of our Lord via a teenage girl’s view, Mary.  Only in Luke do we encounter the stories of Elizabeth; Anna; the widow of Nain; the woman who showed great love; Martha serving and Mary listening; the woman bent double; the woman who searches for a lost coin; the persistent widow; and the women of Jerusalem lamenting Jesus on the way to the cross (Luke 23:27-31).  Jesus’ road to Jerusalem is filled with multiple encounters with women—FAITH-FILLED WOMEN!
Christ’s church is filled with godly women, serving women, gifted women, spiritually growing compassionate women!  God keeps bringing and transfoming into His fold more and more faithful, godly women!  Why?  HE IS DOING A GREAT WORK AND HAS BIGGER PLANS FOR OUR FUTURE!  Go God!  Thank You for our women!  
God is good all the time and all the time God is good.  
Mr. Steve

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