Tuesday, August 19, 2014

3 Questions for Peter - Bulletin 08-17-14

“3 Questions for Peter”

To all partakers of the divine nature: We all remember Peter denied the Lord three times before a certain rooster began the day.  OK.  I’ve denied the Lord before.  Haven’t you?

The major point is that Peter didn’t end his life denying the Lord.  He repented.  He changed.  He grew.  And God used him the rest of his life, in a powerful way, to testify and confirm Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior!  God also gave Peter “Holy Spirit insights” to help Christians grow and make an eternal difference in other’s lives -- exhorting all of us to NEVER stumble!
Ah…here’s Peter now.  Go ahead.  Ask him the following three questions and see what he says:
1. Peter, how do I grow more in grace and peace during the rest of 2014?
“Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.” (2 Pet 1:2)
2. Peter, how do I make sure my life in 2014 will make a difference and be fruitful?
“…for if these qualities (faith, moral excellence, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness, and love) are yours and are increasing, they render you neither useless nor unfruitful in the true knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (2 Peter 1:8)
3. Peter, how can I make sure I will never stumble this year or next? 
“Therefore, brethren, be all the more diligent to make certain about His calling and choosing you; for as long as you practice these things (adding to your faith: moral excellence; knowledge; self-control; perseverance; god-liness; brotherly kindness; and love) you will never stumble.”  (2 Peter 1:10)
Now that’s 3 truths to CROW about!  

4. Peter, what does any of this have to do with being called aliens (1 Peter 2:11)?  Now that’s 4 Questions! Maybe Phillip will answer this one in his lesson this morning.  God is good!  Mr Steve

Friday, August 15, 2014


Several years ago I went into Philadelphia to Pennsylvania University Hospital to visit a brother-in-Christ.  Afterwards, I paid for my parking and entered the parking garage elevator to go to my truck.

There were eight of us strangers in a small elevator – all headed somewhere fast until we got stuck between floors.  Somebody yelled for help, someone else rang the elevator alarm, and one of our eight, a janitor at a school, worked hard (to no avail) to open the doors by hand.  

Strangers caught in a moment of time together so unexpectedly.  We discovered quickly that one of our number, suffered from panic attacks and claustrophobia.  Her husband stated several times that they also needed to catch a train and couldn’t afford being late.  One lady said,  “I knew I shouldn’t have gotten on this elevator.  I just knew something wasn’t right.”

We stood and looked at each other and then I asked: “Do any of you have any family in the hospital?”  One man said that his brother was undergoing pacemaker surgery right now.  He gave me his name and I began taking prayer requests.  I prayed for each person and for God to open the doors to the elevator soon and ended with the statement that God is so good!

A few moments later we heard someone yell through the doors; help was on the way.  Fifteen minutes later the doors halfway opened and we began climbing out one at a time.

Reading the book of Daniel this week reminded me of the above story: thrust in a world of strangers; caught between worlds; chaos and near hysteria all around; yet unshaken in his belief that his God could and would deliver.  God is good all the time!  Mr. Steve

HAVE PATIENCE - Bulletin 08-03-14

“Live in peace with one another.  We urge you, brethren, admonish the unruly, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with everyone.”  1 Thessalonians 5:13-14
Patience is not only a command; it can be a lifesaver!  Yesterday, during our one day VBS at the Barnacles, we sang an old song I used to teach to children in Indiana, Nebraska and Texas – HAVE PATIENCE.  Here’s how the song played out several years ago in New Jersey:
I was traveling in the rain, returning from a nursing home, when I came to the traffic light at Lamb’s Road.    I remember my patience being stretched as I waited for car after car to pass – all spaced at “perfect” intervals blocking me from turning left. 
Less than one minute later, I was praying a prayer of thankfulness for my temporary delay!   As I started to round the curve, by the lake, I watched helplessly as a car spun out of control in the other lane and skidded over into my path doing a 180 degree turn right in front of my truck.  No one was hit.  No one was hurt.  Thank You, God, for my wait at Lamb’s Road Crossing
"Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.  The LORD Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.”  Psalm 46:10-11
Waiting on God is a discipline; waiting on others is a virtue; waiting on traffic may in fact be a lifesaver!  
Children’s Song: “There was a snail called Herbert, he was so very slow.  He caused a lot of traffic jams wherever he would go…Have patience!  Have patience!  Don’t be in such a hurry…”    GOD IS PATIENT!  GOD IS GOOD!  Mr. Steve

A special “Thank You” to Hiyas and Scott Quelle for organizing our VBS; Bill and Ryna Barnacle for hosting our VBS; and all our teachers and workers!

FASTING FROM SIN - Bulletin 07-27-14

I once knew a married couple who for several years set aside each Monday as their fasting day.  Then in the late afternoon, they would come together and read (out loud) 10 chapters in the Bible along with some discussion.  Afterwards, they’d go to a diner or small eatery and have a meal celebrating the day.  Is that great stuff or what?  I love it!!  
Of course this is only one way to fast; there are many.  The fasting that’s been on my heart for the last several months is a fasting of the heart; a fasting from sin.  God shares through Isaiah the prophet, a FASTING He desires (ISAIAH 58), when His people:  
  1. Break the chains of injustice
  2. Get rid of exploitation in the workplace
  3. Free the oppressed
  4. Cancel debts
  5. Share our food with the hungry
  6. Put clothes on the shivering ill-clad
  7. Be available to our own families
“Do this and the lights will turn on, and your lives will turn around at once.  Your righteousness will pave your way. The God of glory will secure your passage.  Then when you pray, God will answer.  You'll call out for help and I'll say, 'Here I am.'”  (Isaiah 58:8-9)
  1. Get rid of unfair practices
  2. Quit blaming victims
  3. Quit gossiping about other people's sins
Then your lives will begin to glow in the darkness, your shadowed lives will be bathed in sunlight.’”  (Isaiah 58:10b) 

God is good all the time!  Mr. Steve 

HEPHZIBAH - Bulletin 07-20-14

Neil T. Anderson in his book, “Who I Am In Christ” , is quoted as saying about our culture, “Our IDENTITY is wrapped up in our acceptance, our security, and our significance.”  He went on to write...
We are ACCEPTED by the world when: we look and dress a certain way; talk and behave a certain way; think and believe a certain way.  
We are SECURE when: we have enough money, stocks & bonds, insurance, material goods; we have our physical and mental health; we have covered all the possibilities of what might happen.  
We are SIGNIFICANT when: we have made a significant contribution to the world (and the world decides what is significant); we can perform up to a high standard in the arts, sports, business, science, etc.; the majority feels we are significant.”                                                                                        According to the prophet Isaiah, if GOD IS...                    1. King; 2. Redeemer; 3. Lord Almighty; 4. Rock; 5. Maker; 6. Holy One; 7. Savior; 8. Husband; 9. Mighty One; 10. Father ...
...Then His children are called:
1. Repairer(s) of Broken Walls; 2. Restorer(s) of Streets with Dwellings; 3. Oaks of Righteousness (a planting of the Lord for His splendor); 4. Priests of the Lord; 5. Ministers of our God;      6. Holy People; 7. The Redeemed of the Lord; 8. Sought After;    9. The City No Longer Deserted; 10. Hephzibah (My Delight)

Isaiah makes the point that our identity goes beyond culture; it’s wrapped up in God: who HE IS; what HE HAS DONE; and how much HE CARES for us!  For all of you “Hephzibah’s” out there....                  BE COMFORTED!!   
God is good.  Mr. Steve

GOD IS… - Bulletin 07-13-14


Several years ago, i taught a teen class in which we each committed to read a certain section of Scripture so that together we could cover the entire Bible in three months!  Our primary purpose, however, was NOT to read the entire Bible in ¼ of a year, although we did.  Our major mission was to come to a better understanding of the nature of God.  Therefore each Sunday, no matter what section of Scripture any of us had read during the week, we each came prepared to share our “GOD IS...” discoveries.
Below is a one week sample of what the teens shared with one another on the nature of God: GOD IS…
HOLY (Leviticus)
MIGHTY TO SAVE (Zephaniah)
SLOW TO ANGER (Minor Prophets)
COMING SOON, A PLANNER (1 Thessalonians)
All in all, after three months, we discovered that GOD IS:

GOD IS... GOOD!  Mr. Steve  

THE LORD HAS DIRECTED ME - Bulletin 07-06-14


I’m grieving.  Our brother-in-Christ, Otor Opiew, left on the bus for Tennessee yesterday, (July 5).  Otor is traveling ahead of his family so he can, Lord willing, find a job and a place to live.  Willow and their three children, Emmanuela, Aballa and Tedujowk, plan to join Otor in Tennessee next month.  We will indeed miss the Opiew family greatly!

Otor and Willow came to Minnesota twelve years ago from South Sudan (by way of Egypt).  However, as a church, we first met this family last year when they visited us Sunday morning, August 25, 2013.  At the time, Otor was taking a church of Christ Bible correspondence course from Tennessee.  In fact, last summer was the first time in Otor’s fifty plus years that he had ever heard the name “church of Christ.”  He was thrilled to know that there was a body of God’s people named after Jesus!  His biggest smiles seem to always come after he says the words, “church of Christ.” 

A church of Christ in Tennessee, who has a thriving mission work in South Sudan, has invited Otor and his family to come, live and worship with their 1000+ member congregation for a year. Their three-year plan for Otor is: equip him with more Bible training at the Sunset International Bible Institute in Lubbock,TX; after graduation, move the Opiew family back to South Sudan; and Lord willing, install Otor as a Bible teacher in their South Sudan preacher’s training school!  They have already graduated 80 students from this school and are in dire need of wise and godly teachers/preachers of the gospel of Christ.  As we know here in Rochester, they have uncovered a “gold mine” in Otor!

Otor is a long-time student of the Bible and a follower of God’s Spirit.  He and his three-year-old son, Tedujowk (pictured above), and I had many Tuesday morning Bible studies in their home over the last 10 months.  What an absolute thrill it has been to witness the faith of this godly man, listen to him pray and live out God’s word. Tedujowk’s name most fittingly means, “the Lord has directed me.” Although I already miss Otor, I definitely believe our sovereign God is “directing” this change of events in the Opiew family’s life.    Otor, Willow, Emmanuela, Aballa, and Tedujowk, we salute you!  To God be the glory!


FREEDOM DAY - Bulletin 06-29-14

Generally when Americans think about a day in which we celebrate our freedom, we think about July 4th.  However, there is another independence holiday that is celebrated in the United States called “Juneteenth” (also known as “Emancipation Day or Freedom Day”).  
It is a holiday observed on June 19 across the nation, but for over a century was mainly celebrated by African Americans in Texas and parts of Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Arkansas.  It was celebrated here in Rochester just last weekend.  The name “Juneteenth” was probably derived from the word combination: June and nineteenth.
President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on September 22, 1862 and again on New Year’s Day, 1863, during the American Civil War.  This proclamation ordered the liberating of all slaves from every state.  However, without Union troops to enforce Lincoln’s order, slavery continued for years in the South.
On June 19, 1865, General Gordon Granger and his 2,000 troops marched into Galveston, Texas and publicly declared that slavery in America was ended.  History notes that the reaction of the slaves hearing about their freedom for the very first time was mixed, ranging from shock and disbelief to jubilation!  
Can you imagine being decreed free but not knowing it for over two years?!  This same phenomenon happens all the time in a spiritual sense.  We have been called by God to be free from sin but many still live under its bondage.   Isaiah prophesied that the Son of God would be born of a virgin (Isaiah 7), live and die for our sins & be raised from the dead (Isaiah 53) – all for our freedom!
“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the afflicted; He has sent me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to captives and freedom to prisoners…”  Isaiah 61:1

ARE YOU FREE?  God is good all the time!  Mr. Steve 

GOD IS PREPARED FOR YOU - Bulletin 06-22-14

Reading the book of Amos this week, especially his oft quoted line, “Prepare to meet your God”,reminded me of the following true story: Several years ago I received a long distance call from a granddaughter of a 93 year-old shepherd, my shepherd.  “Papa is dying; I don’t think he’s going to make it” were the words whispered on the other end of the line.
My mind quickly recounted scene after scene over the last three decades of my experiences with “Papa” (pronounced Pap-aw).   For 30 years I had known this man to be full of wisdom, joy, laughter, and a possessor of an unusually quiet and gentle spirit.  I had lived with him, spent much time visiting, studying and praying with him.  “Papa” was my shepherd, my mentor, my friend.
One of the many stories “Papa” told me was when he was just a lad.  He and his dad were standing side by side looking across a neighbor’s field.  Their neighbor had bought the county’s first tractor.  What a sight!  But what “Papa” most remembered were the words of his father as they watched their neighbor drive his tractor for the first time – “It will never work!” “Papa” then bellowed his infamous “HA -HA- HA” and we laughed till we cried.

After praying over the phone with the distraught granddaughter, I dialed “Papa’s” Nursing Home room number.   One of his daughters, by his bedside, answered the phone and after some pleasantries put “Papa” on the line.  I told him how much I loved and missed him; he said the same to me and then I read over the phone one of his favorite passages of Scripture:                                                                         "Things which eye has not seen and ear has not heard, and which have not entered the heart of man, all that God has prepared for those who love Him."  1 Corinthians 2:9                 
In other words: GOD IS PREPARED FOR YOU;ARE YOU PREPARED FOR HIM?                 
God is good all the time and all the time God is good!  Mr. Steve