Friday, December 12, 2014

OUR PRODIGAL GOD! - Bulletin 11-09-14

During the last few weeks, Jerry Horning, one of our own members and a Vietnam veteran, and I, have spent several hours over coffee and hot tea discussing patriotism and Tuesday’s upcoming Veterans Day.  Today’s lesson, in part, is a bi-product of those discussions. 
However, what I didn’t see coming was the transforming integration of our discussions with a book I read over two years ago, “The Prodigal God: Recovering the Heart of the Christian faith” by Dr. Timothy Keller.  
I’ve always associated the word “prodigal” with the youngest son in Luke 15 or more recently (10 years ago) with the older brother.  But I had never associated this word with God!  GOD AS A PRODIGAL?  No way!  Yet, Keller has convinced me that WE DO HAVE A PRODIGAL GOD!
The word “prodigal” literally means reckless and extravagant.  The youngest son was reckless and extravagant with his decision to ask for his inheritance before his Father was even dead!  He was reckless and extravagant with the way he spent his (Father’s) money.  Yes.  The younger son was definitely a reckless and extravagant son and so was his older brother in his abundance of pride and self-righteous piety! 
But, how was the Father “reckless” and extravagant?  With his giving!With his love!  With his girding himself and running toward and embracing and kissing his wayward scented son!  The Father was extravagant with his forgiveness, and even with his pursuing and petitioning the older son to join in on the celebration of his lost, now found, younger brother!  Extravagant!  
God is good!  Mr. Steve

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